How Should Patients Care for Their Orthotics?


What is the proper method to clean an orthotic?

Orthotics are very resilient devices that can stay functional and looking great for many years, but patients need to take special care of them so that they last as long as possible. To help them out, we’re going to give your patients some of our favorite tips on how to clean orthotics that you can pass along to your patients:

Remove Orthotics Each Night, If Recommended

The first thing to realize when your patients are learning how to clean orthotics is that they should remove them each night before going to bed. This will allow them to air out and dry, which is especially beneficial for those who tend to sweat. Even though removing the orthotics while they sleep won’t clean them per se, it will prevent them from being so odorous and potentially forming mildew and other problems.

Wipe and Clean the Cover

The cover of an orthotic is the part that’s exposed to the world, and it can get quite dirty, sometimes even in a single day, depending on your patients’ activity. It’s important that they keep the cover as clean as possible because it reduces wear and tear on the orthotics’ upper surface. Patients can use a damp cloth to clean it, but antibacterial wipes are preferred. They should clean it at least every few days, but it can be a daily activity too.

Carefully Clean the Liner

Many patients forget to clean the liner, so when they finally do, it’s pretty darn filthy. Definitely make this a part of their regular routine. The liner can be cleaned with a mild soap or laundry detergent and some cold water. We wouldn’t recommend throwing it in the dryer. Instead, leave it out to air-dry.

Clear Off Dirt and Debris

In addition to cleaning the orthotics themselves, patients also need to clean the footwear. Both of these can be wiped down with a damp cloth. Patients should avoid the use of chemical solvents or other cleaning agents because they may be harmful to the surface. Make sure to never try to clean orthotics in a washing machine or dishwasher.

Dry Them If They Get Wet

Orthotics are tough, but they definitely shouldn’t get wet, especially if the orthotic has a cover. If the orthotic or shoes get wet, remove both and let them dry out. Take the shoe off of the orthotic. Then, remove the cover and let that dry separately. Finally, let everything dry in the shade rather than the sun.

For custom orthotic design and fabrication, contact Grace Prosthetics

Grace Prosthetic Fabrication designs and produces the best orthotics for patients across the country. If your patients need custom orthotics, contact our team today. We look forward to helping your patients live their lives to the fullest!