Residual Limb Care


How Grace Plates Improve Prosthetic Fabrication

Why are Grace Plates beneficial for prosthetic fabrication? In the ever-evolving field of prosthetics, advancements continue to enhance the lives of amputees by offering more customized solutions. Grace Prosthetic Fabrication takes pride in pushing the boundaries of innovation, and one of their standout contributions is the introduction of Grace Plates. In this guide, we’ll delve […]

Residual Limb Care: Skincare When Using a Prosthetic

What are a few key factors for residual limb care? A patient can’t simply put on their prosthesis and not take care of it. We’ve actually covered the importance of proper maintenance and care of a prosthetic device and its socket multiple times, but we haven’t really discussed residual limb care. Today, we’re going to fix […]