3 Ways Orthotics can Help Patients Suffering from Neuropathy

How can the right orthotics help patients suffering from Neuropathy?

An estimated 20 million people in the United States have a form of peripheral neuropathy. This condition, which involves damage to the peripheral nervous system, is more common than many think.

Thankfully, several treatment options can help people suffering from it. One of these is orthotics for neuropathy.

At Grace Prosthetic Fabrication, Inc., our experts not only produce top-notch prostheses. With a leading orthotic team, we also provide orthotic fabrication needs and help patients have a better quality of life.

Orthotics for Neuropathy

Orthotics can be the ideal treatment plan for many health conditions. But one of the most common reasons people seek an orthotist is diabetic neuropathy.

Neuropathy brings many symptoms that affect people’s way of life. They experience pain in the extremities, complicating how they move. Activities of daily living become harder, and patients get deprived of the things they previously enjoyed doing.

Patients have an effective treatment option in orthotics for neuropathy. The right orthotic devices bring relief, especially when patients suffer from foot or heel pain.

One way used by orthotists is the insertion of a shoe insert to relieve the pain. This device supports the foot’s abnormal movement, thus reducing pain and other symptoms.

The shoe lift is one of the devices used in orthotics for neuropathy. Pain is among the many symptoms relieved by orthoses.

Here are three ways orthotics can help people suffering from neuropathy:

Orthotic devices help control the symptoms of neuropathy

As mentioned, orthotic devices, relieve pain from neuropathy. But other orthoses provide different functions that reduce the neuropathy symptoms. These include numbness, weakness, and limited movement.

Orthotics slow the progression of the disease

While orthotic devices can’t cure neuropathy, they can help stop the condition from worsening. They cushion the feet and support the limbs. This distributes pressure over the extremities, so ulcers don’t form. Orthoses also prevent Inflammation and other symptoms of neuropathy.

Orthotics help maintain the health of the feet and other extremities.

Another way orthotic devices help people suffering from neuropathy is by allowing the extremities to achieve joint stability. Normal functions follow when the body regains its proper stance and posture. Patients’ feet and upper limbs prevent further damage and maintain their health.

Along with a healthy lifestyle and proper management, orthotics can help people cope with the condition. These devices help reduce the symptoms of the disease, slow its progress, and help keep the feet and extremities healthy.

Unfortunately, many people spend money on the wrong kind of orthoses. Thus, the devices fail to treat the symptoms of the disease.

What are Orthotics?

Orthotics are devices designed for the extremities of people suffering from different health conditions. These include neuropathy, spinal cord injury, stroke, plantar fascitis, and fractures.

Most people who benefit from orthotics suffer from the following symptoms:

● Foot pain when standing or walking

● Muscles tightness in the extremities

● Muscle tear and strain that keeps on recurring

● Uneven or fast wearing out of shoes

● Pain on the heel, knee, back, hip, and neck

● Patella femoral syndrome

● Achilles tendonitis

An orthotist will assess your patient’s condition. They will check biomechanics through TOG Gaitscan This is among other procedures and come up with the most suitable orthotic device to treat or manage the condition.

These devices’ function throug:

Joint or body segment control

Injury protection

Pronation correction

Limb restriction or limitation

Weight-bearing support

Athletic performance improvement

Through these devices specific functions, patients many regain control of their lives and become more comfortable.

Grace Prosthetic Fabrication provides a variety of prosthetic designs and orthotic devices. These devices are designed for patients’ needs, including the following:

Upper extremity – Orthoses like plastic and leather wrist orthosis

Lower extremity devices – Such as a crow boot, shoe lifts, ankle-foot orthotic devices, and hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis.

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Contact Grace Prosthetic Fabrication for Custom Orthotics for Your Patients

Your patients must not settle for generic orthotic devices when you or your patients feel pain that doesn’t go away. Instead, call Grace Prosthetic Fabrication, Inc. for custom-made orthoses. These devices that fit your patients’ lifestyles and deal with specific symptoms are what they need to gain optimal benefits and improve their quality of life.