Grace News

Do Prosthetics Ever Need to be Upgraded?

When should prosthetics be upgraded? Research shows that it takes patients from two to six months to get used to a prosthetic. Once a patient gets used to their above knee, below knee, or upper extremity prosthetics, they may be reluctant to upgrade their prosthetics. After a period of time, a limb prosthesis should be […]

What are the Benefits of Grace Plates?

How do Grace Plates benefit your patients? If your practice involves caring for patients with prosthetics, you know how difficult it can be to get a prosthetic design correct. This is especially true for patients with either  above knee or below knee prostheses, as well as upper extremity prostheses. These issues are nothing new. Prosthetics have […]

How to Keep Orthotics in Good Shape

Guide to Caring for Orthotics As a doctor, you know that orthotics and prosthetics are not cheap. A prosthetic leg can cost between $10,000 and $70,000. Whether your patients have shoe inserts or other orthotcs, caring for orthotics is essential to avoid expensive wear and tear. Here is a guide for your patients on caring […]

Unique Ways to Customize a Prosthetic

Unique Ways for Patients to Customize a Prosthetic The World Health Organization estimates that 30 million people around the world need prosthetics. This is to aid in mobility, usually because of a limb deformity at birth, or a traumatic injury. One way that people move forward after the loss of a limb is to have […]