AK Laminated Socket

AK Laminated Socket
AK laminated with custom "Vapor" sleeve Proflex with inner silicone and 1210-L Grace Lanyard kit
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AK Laminate Socket

AK Laminated Socket

AK Laminated Socket
Fabric laminated AK Socket with Proflex inner socket and 1210-S2 Suction Plate and 1210-S2V Suction Plate Valve, set up on a 3 Prong Adapter
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AK Laminated Socket

AK Laminated Socket
Ak Socket with custom print laminated sleeve and Proflex with silicone flexible inner socket
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AK Carbon Braid Socket

AK Carbon Braid Socket
Black Carbon braid AK socket with silicone flexible inner and 1210-L Grace Lanyard kit and custom Cancer Awareness sticker decal
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AK T-Shirt Laminated Socket

AK T-Shirt Laminated Socket
T Shirt laminated AK socket proflex with silicone flexible inner and 1210 Grace plate
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AK Laminated Socket

AK Laminated Socket
Fabric laminated AK socket with proflex inner socket and valve set up on a 3 prong adapter
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AK Carbon Braid Socket

AK Carbon Braid Socket
Carbon socket with PETG innerface set up on a 1210-S2 Suction Plate and 1210-S2V Suction Plate Valve
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AK Laminated Socket

AK Laminated Socket
Tropical fabric laminated proflex AK Socket with flexible inner socket. 1210-S2 Grace Suction plate and 1210-S2V Grace Suction Plate Valve used
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